September 18, 2013

I found news! I found news on TV!

It's incredible! I found actual news on television!

I tried out Al Jazeera America and it has actual news coverage. There was even coverage of the greatest crisis of our time, climate change. They just did a story on Illinois public employee pensions that focused on the perspective of a retiring public employee, instead of merely repeating the talking points of politicians and conservative corporate groups pushing cuts. Do Illinois news editors know that's allowed?

I was a little confused at first. Look at what I'm used to seeing.

CNN: Former news network pushing dumbed-down tabloid infotainment by people who never learned to use their inside voices.

Fox: Brainwashing cult.

MSNBC: Imitating CNN during the day and an evening lineup of liberals impersonating Bill O'Reilly. OK, Rachel Maddow is worthwhile.

Which leaves us with three sources of actual news on cable: BBC, Al Jazeera America, and Comedy Central. Yes, CNN, Jon Stewart has more credibility than your network has had in years.

I'm convinced. Al Jazeera America won me over.