November 5, 2013

Springfield Screening of Two Americans with speaker Jeff Biggers

The Springfield ACLU chapter hosts an evening focused on immigration policy and civil rights with a free Liberty Brew & View screening of Two Americans followed by guest speaker Jeff Biggers.

The film is Two Americans.
Enter the heart of an American family living in the shadows of a state that has criminalized their existence. Walk the beat of the nation’s most recognized lawman as he stares down charges of his own.
The parents of 9-year-old Katherine Figueroa are arrested when America’s Toughest Sheriff raids a Phoenix carwash suspected of hiring illegal workers. As young Kathy fights to save her parents from deportation, a community group succeeds in pressuring the County Board to investigate Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s spending priorities. When the sheriff retaliates against his political foes, his actions spark outrage, and a federal investigation.
Followed by guest speaker Jeff Biggers, author of State Out of the Union: Arizona and the Final Showdown Over the American Dream. Biggers previously authored Reckoning at Eagle Creek and frequently writes about environmental issues.

It's Tuesday, November 19, 7:00pm in the theater room at Capital City Bar & Grill in Springfield.