January 2, 2014

The Statehouse Bubble Bursts: Illinois Revolts Against Fracking

I have a new piece at Huffington Post about the incredible public response at the fracking hearings. It includes must see video from the Carbondale, Decatur and Effingham hearings.

The Chicago hearing had a raucous crowd, but the two southernmost hearings took a more ardent tone. In Carbondale and Ina, calls for nonviolent civil disobedience to resist fracking outnumbered those who merely asked for better rules to make it safe.

The defiant tone reached a crescendo with a fired up crowd of over 200 at the final hearing in Carbondale. Politicians and interested businessmen who believe fracking in Illinois is "inevitable" should watch video of the Carbondale hearing for a reality check about the stiff opposition they'll face.
Please share! You have one last day to submit comments on the proposed regulation to IDNR before the January 3 deadline.