February 15, 2014

Pat Quinn Gets Fracking Valentine

Cupid delivered a Valentine's Day message about fracking to Governor Pat Quinn.

Rising Tide Chicago posted video and pictures of Cupid's visit to Quinn's office with the message that the relationship between fracking and Illinois is a "bad romance."

It partly reads, "The Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act and the recent rules released by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources are not based on scientific studies on hydraulic fracturing. They act to protect the profits and interests of industry, not Illinois citizens. Clean air & water and a safe climate are human rights. Hydraulic fracturing threatens these basic rights and no regulations will really protect us."

Rising Tide also posted photos of a message to Pat Quinn along the Dan Ryan Expressway last Monday.

There's a fun video of that action too. It was done in conjunction with a call-in day that united the voice of the environmental movement in Chicago and southern Illinois by asking Governor Quinn to ban fracking. It's strongly encouraging to the environmental movement in southern Illinois to see a group represent their views in Chicago.