A letter apparently sent from his Congressional office is making the rounds on facebook. The shutdown hasn't stopped Davis from using his government office to spread highly partisan talking points blaming Democrats for a manufactured crisis. The letter states no less than six times that Davis doesn't support a shutdown. He blames Obama and Congressional Democrats three times.
Unfortunately for Davis, TV commercials and some reporters are pointing out that he signed a letter with 80 other Republicans promising not to vote for any appropriation bills that include funding for Obamacare. The idea of being held accountable for his shutdown pledge must account for the sense of panic and desperation in his letter.
An underlined sentence claims, "I have supported and the House of Representatives has passed four bills to fully fund the federal government and I will continue to do so when presented with the opportunity."
But, that's not accurate, because none of those bills funded implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Whether Davis admits it or not, Obamacare is now part of the federal government. Nowhere in the letter does Davis pledge to vote for a clean bill without shutdown strings attached.
It's obvious when Davis speaks that he feels very passionately about stopping people from getting health insurance. He clearly believes this issue is important enough to force a government shutdown. Davis owes voters the respect of defending his signature on the shutdown letter instead of pointing the finger of blame at everyone else.
I was taught that an adult takes responsibility for their actions.